4月20日「地球日」,一班印尼移工,紛紛以各種「棄而不廢」的物資,親自製作並穿上特色環保時裝,由大三巴前地出發,巡遊到議亭前地,目的是身體力行,宣揚環保減廢的訊息。 移工的代表Cindry表示,他們已經第三年參與有關的環保時裝巡遊,今年參與人數達40人!唔講唔知,他們大部分都專程向僱主請假一天來參與活動的,他們都感謝老闆的支持。至於他們親手造的環保時裝,其實手工一點都不比我們平日所見所穿的「名牌」輸蝕,反而創意十足、配色獨特,環保物料更是「貨真價實」,每一件都是平日處理家務工作時順便收集得來的,做到「零浪費」。不過,要穿上這些「環保時裝」,他們表示部分都要花上好幾個小時,但他們樂在其中!另一位移工代表Jos更表示,一班印尼移工,不但喜歡參與這類大眾的環保活動,平日更加會學習其他方面,例如:語言、電腦、文藝、和認識本地法律的活動或課程,希望更能融入澳門人的社會。

40 Indonesian migrant workers participated in an environmental fashion parade on Earth Day, which was launched from the Ruins St. Paul’s to Senado Square on 20 April. Almost all of them have to ask for a day-off just to be able to take part in the activity, they are very thankful for being supportive by their employers. That day, each of them has tried their best to dress-up with the wasted materials they found while they are doing their daily domestic work, in order not to buy anything in particular, but to use whatever already existed and left. And, you can tell from the pictures, that many of their fashion can be as comparable as those famous fashion brands, or even more creative! One of them, Cindry, told us, they have been joining such environmental fashion parade for the third time; another representative Jos also expressed, “besides caring about the environment, we also have various efforts to learn about the language, information technology, cultural affairs, as well as some knowledge of the local law, because we really want to get into the society of Macau.”


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